Friday, May 2, 2014

2014 commonwealth games 50 pence gold coin

Rebecca Adlington, Great Britain's most successful Olympic swimmer has struck "Glasglow 2014 commonwealth games 50 pence gold coin" at The Royal Mint to mark the final countdown to the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. Only 385 pieces of the 22 Carat Gold Proof coin will be minted.

Rebecca Adlington

The highly decorated and record breaking sportswoman was invited to strike a gold Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games 50p in her capacity as an official ambassador for the Games, which start in less than 85 days. Rebecca Adlington, from Mansfield in Nottinghamshire, won two bronze medals in the London 2012 Olympics following on from her double medal win at the Beijing Olympics.

Commonwealth Games

Designers Alex Loudon and Dan Flashman took two of the most iconic sports – athletics and cycling – and added the Saltire of Scotland and lettering inspired by Charles Rennie Mackintosh to create a dynamic design for the coin.

Rebecca Adlington said, “As an ambassador for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, I'm absolutely thrilled to have been invited to strike the gold 50p coin celebrating the event. It was particularly special for me to visit The Royal Mint because I got to see the very building where my London 2012 medals were struck.”

“I am very excited about this year’s Commonwealth Games because it’s great to have such a large scale sporting event at home again. It gives the crowd an opportunity to show their support for the British competitors, particularly the younger athletes, and it should be a great atmosphere. I am particularly looking forward to commentating on the swimming and being able to attend the opening ceremony for the first time, because I’ve always been competing before, and it promises to be a fantastic start to the Games.”

Shane Bissett, The Royal Mint’s Director of Commemorative Coin and Bullion, added, “For over 1,000 years, The Royal Mint has been producing British coins that have recorded the passing of history, documenting changes in monarchs, customs and national themes. We are thrilled to be able to show our support for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games and have the opportunity to commemorate this historical event.

“People can expect to see the new 50p coins in circulation from July when the Games begin, but we wanted to give Rebecca a sneak preview and have the opportunity to strike a gold coin bearing the new design. It was also our pleasure to show Rebecca where her own London 2012 Olympic medals were made and for our staff to find out more about her impressive achievements and her role as a Games ambassador.”

The Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games UK 50p
Technical Specification:
Denomination: 50p
Maximum Coin Mintage: 385
Alloy: 22 Carat Gold
Weight: 15.50 g
Diameter: 27.30 mm
Reverse Designer: Alex Loudon with Dan Flashman
Obverse Designer: Ian Rank-Broadley FRBS
Quality: Proof

Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games commemorative 50p pieces are available from The Royal Mint’s website