This is an announcement to all Malaysia Numismatic Society (MNS) members,you are invited to contribute coins and bank notes in this coming auction. The authentication will be held on 12 November 2010. You may contact Mr. Lawrence at 012-3710951 for more details. MNS Auction No.146 will be held on end of 19 December 2010. The Auction normally will be held at Jabatan Muzium Malaysia, Muzium Negara, Jalan Petalawati, 50480 Kuala Lumpur. There is a small hall in there where this auction normally held by MNS.
Photo: Department of Museum, Malaysia.
There will be Bourse Tables available at RM 50.00 per table.Members interested,please book your tables with payments to Mr Tan Tai Seng (03-79835011) at least one week before the auction.
This auction only for members of MNS only. Entrance fee for ordinary member is RM20.oo and RM40.00 for annual subscription fee. Their coin auction is for member only. Any numismatist over 12 years but below the age of 18 and resident in Malaysia may apply to be a Junior Member. The Entrance Fee for Junior Members is RM5.00 and Annual Subscription is RM15.00. Kindly download the Application Form and send it to the Society either via post, fax or e-mail for approval.
This auction only for members of MNS only. Entrance fee for ordinary member is RM20.oo and RM40.00 for annual subscription fee. Their coin auction is for member only. Any numismatist over 12 years but below the age of 18 and resident in Malaysia may apply to be a Junior Member. The Entrance Fee for Junior Members is RM5.00 and Annual Subscription is RM15.00. Kindly download the Application Form and send it to the Society either via post, fax or e-mail for approval.
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- MNS Auction 145 this Sunday
- MNS Auction 145 invitation
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- MNS auction 143 item viewing session
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