Every month, there is over a dozen question asked by my reader about coin, banknote, collection, item price and accecories that related to numismatic world. I will be sharing them starting this month. Do mind though, I am not an expert. I just like to share what I know and what I read about this hobbies. If you think that my answer is wrong, feel free to comment in here. Just make sure you don't spam me with unrelated link. I am editing some of this question to make sure it is relevent to this blog. Keep on giving me question to lunaticg@gmail.com. I will try to answered them.

Question: How can I get buyer for this coin? How to differentiate between nickle & bronze coin?
Me:Dear Lunaticg,My name is Mr.Azizan. Here i just want to ask you some questions. Actually now 1 have bronze "1 SEN 1976" coins. Based on your informations (Malaysia rare coin price table) in your blog, there's mentioned that only 100 pcs known exist...and the price is RM650-UNC & RM900-BU. Here is my questions..1) How can i get the buyer for this coin?2) What is the meaning of UNC & BU?Other questions:-1) For "1 SEN 1979 Nickle", based on your informations (Malaysia rare coin price table) in your blog, there's mentioned that only 2 pcs known exist and the price is RM2500-UNC & RM3100-BU. So if i have 1 piece, how & what is the methods to differentiate between nickle type & bronze type?
Hi azizan.I think if you search my blog you will find the answer you're seeking for, its already there. Just go to Malaysia Ringgit Label.If you want to sell the item fast, you can always find coin dealer near your place but please expect 50% decrease on its market value. The best way is to sell them online yourself. You can try mudah.my or lelong (if you're in Malaysia) or you can try eBay. Just make sure you give detail information and clear picture of your actual item.UNC stand for Uncirculated. BU is Brilliant Uncirculated. Just check my blog under handling tips label.The color of the coin already a big difference between that two.
Question: 10th anniversary coin for the coronation of His Highness Sultan Hassanal Bokiah worth?
Hi there, I saw your blog, and in it you mentioned that you welcome coin questions.I'm a 29-year-old American who has a few questions about a 1978 Brunei commemorative coin. I need to sell it in the next 5 days and was wondering what I could expect to get for it. I was also wondering its value. I understand that by selling it quickly I'm going to take a loss in proceeds. Do you have any recommendations for the method in which I go about doing so?Coin description:10th anniversary coin for the coronation of His Highness Sultan Hassanal Bokiah (1968 1978) $1,000 mint condition, encased in hard plastic shell encased coin is in a box that is in very good condition, looks to have been made in the 70's.Certificate of Authenticity is included. Certificate is in good condition, slightly aged but with no wrinkles, stains, or tears. It names this coin as being number 805 out of the 1000 minted. It lists the composition as being 916.7 Gold and 83.3 Copper (I'm not quite sure what those numbers mean). It lists the diameter as being 40 mm. Weight: 50 g, plus or minus 0.27 grams. Date of issue: 1 August 1978I was only able to find one example of this coin being sold in the past online, and wanted to get a second opinion as to its value to confirm my assumption. Hopefully, if you do reply and are able to help with any of this information, you won't tell me you found one last week in a crackerjack box.I'm attaching 2 poor pictures of the coin. They're of poor quality because I don't have a digital camera right now, only my phone, and snapped these on the spur of the moment, halfway through this e-mail. I apologize ahead of time for the blurriness of the snapshots, but they'll atleast give you an idea of what the coin looks like. Rest assured I'm a real person and my e-mail is genuine; I'm not sending you some sort of weird virus in the attachments, I promise.I appreciate any time you spent reading this.
Hi Julia.You're the first one asking me with so much detail about your coin. Look like you already make a research about it. That is a proof 1000 dollars 10th anniversary of Sultan's coronation. The coin price is USD1700. Nice collection you have there.eBay is the best if you're looking for a high price. If you want to sell them fast, you can asked coin dealer near your place. Just make sure you asked around for a good price before you decided to sell them but expect a 50% decrease on the price. You can also try asking any gold shop if they want to buy this item. The coin gold price almost the same as its current value.Wish that will give you any help and good luck on selling your coin. Just remember to asked around for a good price before you decide to sell.
Hello again Ahmad,I just thought you'd like to know that I managed to speed-sell the Brunei coin for 1300 USD, the one you blue-booked at 1700 USD. This was more than I had hoped to get for a speed-sale (my highest realistic estimate was at 1150) , thanks to you and the wonderful current market value of gold. I took a gamble by avoiding a place that wanted to deface the coin to test it. Instead I went out of my way and opted to sell it to a nice local coin shop (with people who could also appreciate and respect the coin). Another coin shop tried to rip me off before I settled with this one. It certainly pays to do the research! Thanks again for all of your help.
I would like to know how much these items are worth.saddams 25 Dinar note (one dinar note, five dinar note and ten riyals note), i brought these back with me after the war in Iraq...thank you so much for your help.
Hi Rusty.I cannot see any picture but if the Iraq dinar is a new one (1990), Most probably it won't worth a thing since Iraq dinar cannot be traded as currency. For banknote collector, only the old Iraq Dinar have value but it don't worth much. 3 US Dollar for 10 dinars-uncirculated for 1986 notes.Wish That can help you.
Question: Where to get coin album in Subang?
i stumbled across your website and it was a fantastic website. i just started to collect coins and the problem is i dont have an album to put it. i had searched in all major bookstores but couldnt acquire it. sorry for the silly question, but can i know where could i get one? i'm staying in subang area.thankshope to hear from u soon.
Hi leon.You can try popular book at Summit USJ. They should have them. If you want to put a precious collection and want a better coin album. You can try go to Amcorp Mall in Petaling Jaya Saturday and Sunday. There is a flea market there with almost every coin dealer in Klang Valley coming. You can read it in my blog under flea market label or just search amcorp mall in my blog.
Question: Good place to pick up China banknotes in Penang or Kuala Lumpur?
Hi,Love your blog. Need your advice. Is there another good place to pick up china banknotes in Penang or KL?Thanks.
Hi Samuel.Do you mean China old banknote? You can try Steven Tan shop in Kuala Lumpur. You can find the address in my coin dealer list. just go to my blog and look for coin dealer label. If you're going to Penang, you can try Tan coin & trading. Their shop located at Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling.
Thanks.Had visited Steven Tan and most of his good stuff is already sold. Tan coin & trading sounds interesting, will certainly visit him when i'm at penang.Thanks