Today, Dickson Niew post a photos of a list of Rubber Export Coupons photographs wanted by Master Sifu Saran Singh for his new book about Malaya Rubber Export Coupons. If you have any of the Rubber Export Coupons wanted by Saran Singh, please send a clear top view images of the coupon to Dickson Niew.
For your information, Rubber Export Coupons introduced by The British Government after World War I, when the Malayan Rubber industry suffered from over production in a market of lower demand. The Rubber Growers Association, which represented estate interests in Malaya, began to urge the British Government to intervene, and eventually the "Stevenson Plan" commenced on the 1st November, 1922. Under the plan, coupons stipulating a weight of rubber were to be issued. A planter could not export more rubber than the total "face weight" of coupons held by him.
Rubber Export Coupons wanted by Saran Singh:
British Malaya (1922-34)
1. 5 katis. Green. Signature: Jessircom.
2. 1 Picul. Blue. Signature: M.B.Shelley
3. 10 Piculs.Red. Saran Singh have J.E.Nathan signature, any other signatures?
Federated Malay States (1935-42)
4. 5 katis. 31.12.1935
5. 5 katis. 30.6.1936
6. 5 katis. 30.9.1937
7. 5 katis. 30.9.1938
8. 5 katis. 30.9.1939
9. 10 katis. 30.9.1938
10. 10 katis. 30.6.1939
11. 10 katis. 30.6.1940
12. 10 katis. 30.6.1941
13. 10 katis. 31.3.1942
14. 25 katis. 30.6.1938
15. 25 katis. 30.9.1938
16. 25 katis. 30.6.1941
17. 1 picul. 30.6.1936
18. 1 picul. 30.6.1938
19. 1 picul. 30.9.1940
Straits Settlements Mainland (1938 & 1941-42)
20. 10 katis. 31.3.1938
21. 25 katis. 31.3.1942
22. 5 piculs. 31.3.1942
Johore (1934-42)
23. 5 katis. 30.9.1934
24. 5 katis. 30.12.1934
25. 5 katis. 30.6.1937
26. 10 katis. 30.9.1934
27. 10 katis. 31.12.1934
28. 10 katis. 31.3.1935
29. 10 katis. 31.7.1935
30. 10 katis. 30.9.1935
31. 10 katis. 30.9.1937
32. 25 katis. 31.3.1942
33. 1 picul. 30.9.1937
34. 5 piculs. 31.3.1942
Kedah (1934-42)
35. 10 katis. 31.12.1934
36. 10 katis. 30.9.1941
37. 10 katis. 31.3.1942
38. 25 katis. 31.12.1934
42. 25 katis. 31.3.1942
39. 1 picul. 31.12.1934
40. 1 picul. 30.9.1941
41. 5 piculs. 31.3.1942
Kelantan (1934-42)
43. 5 katis. 30.4.1935
44. 5 katis. 31.12.1941
45. 10 katis. 31.12.1934
46. 10 katis. 31.3.1942
47. 25 katis. 31.3.1942
48. 1 picul. 31.3.1942
Trengganu (1938 & 1941-42)
49. 10 katis. 31.12.1941
50. 10 katis. 31.3.1942
51. 25 katis. 31.12.1941
52. 25 katis. 31.3.1942
53. 1 picul. 31.3.1942
54. 5 piculs. 31.12.1941
Sarawak (1938 & 1940-42)
55. 5 katis. 30.6.1940
56. 5 katis. 30.6.1941
57. 10 katis. 31.12.1939
58. 10 katis. 31.3.1941
59. 1 picul. 31.3.1941
60. 5 piculs. 30.9.1941
If you have any of those coupons, please take photographs and send it to Dickson Niew.
You can contact Dickson Niew:
Whatsapp: +6 017-9796 337