Thursday, December 20, 2012

Police raided counterfeit banknote shop

The Peruvian National Police (DIRINCRI - Direccion de Investigacion Criminal), in cooperation with the Brigada de Investigación Del Banco de España (BIBE), the US Secret Service and Europol raided counterfeit banknote shop in Peruvian capital of Lima.

A total amount of 4.437.000 Euros and 4.460.000 US dollars in counterfeit banknotes were seized all 100 denomination notes. Printing equipment, including an offset press and materials for the production of banknotes, were also confiscated.

Peru counterfeit

The raid was the culmination of an extensive operation that has been ongoing for a number of months and has involved information sharing across a number of international law enforcement agencies. A Europol expert was on the spot to provide technical support to Peruvian authorities and to evaluate the counterfeit Euro notes and machinery seized.

Apparently the counterfeit Euros were distributed mainly in Spain and Portugal and the US dollars in the region.

“The dismantling of this print shop is the first case that Europol has supported on the spot in Peru and is a significant hit against euro and dollar counterfeit distribution. The success of this operation was made possible through the excellent work of the Peruvian authorities and their cooperation with Brigada de Investigación Del Banco de España (BIBE), the US Secret Service and Europol,” says Rob Wainwright, Director of Europol.

Europol, the European Union's Central Office for Combating Euro Counterfeiting, facilitates the exchange of information, and provides expertise, criminal and forensic analysis, training.

Source: mercopress