One of my readers favourite question is How much is my gold coin worth? I had been thinking about writing this post; How to calculate gold coin price? for over 3 months. It's not easy to find the right calculation for the estimate value of gold coins. Most of the time, the value worth more then the bullion price. But the easy way to calculate the value of your gold coins is by looking at the gold bullion price. This calculation can also be used for Silver Coin price. Thanks to my friend Wilson@Willy Chow for the tips and calculation formula. Hopefully this can help all Malaysian collectors who had been asking about Malaysia and Singapore gold coins.

Gold Silver price calculator
(current gold/silver price (per ounce) × 0.03215) × ( coin weight × gold/silver content) = coin silver value in US$
For example:
Tunku gold coin
(1820.80 x 0.03215) x (18.66 x 0.917) = US$1001.67 = RM3085.00
150th anniversary of Singapore gold coin.
(1820.80 x 0.03215) x (24.88 x 0.916) = US$1333.79 = RM4,028.98
Current Gold Price per ounce:
(If the chart cannot be viewed, you can go to
Current Silver Price per ounce:
(If the chart cannot be viewed, you can go to
For Free Currency Converter, you can try these website:
Please remember, this calculation is only for the bullion spot value. You must take into consideration the coin mintage, condition, type, age and also its rarity. For Malaysia gold coins market, this calculation give the "almost accurate" price for gold coins. Please give comment if you have any idea on this matters. This post meant to help collector who own a gold coin to calculate their estimate Gold/Silver Coins Value.