This news sound like a double standard but its only according to a report by BERNAMA. The news sound like Perak, a state in Malaysia (govern by Barisan Nasional) will introduce their own Dinar and the currency would be subject to Bank Negara requirements. Is that mean Perak Dinar will be allowed as a currency and Kelantan Dinar (Kelantan govern by opposition party-PAS) not even consider as a form of payment for Kelantan state government servant? Lets hope Bank Negara Malaysia will make any statement about this news.

This is the actual news by BERNAMA:
After Kelantan, Perak will become the second state in the country to introduce the gold dinar and silver dirham currency to give its people more savings options.
Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir said discussions on introducing this currency began two years ago and that it would be introduced in stages.
"We are also in the process of minting the gold dinar and silver dirham coins," he told Bernama after the World Usury Conference here Tuesday.
Asked whether the state would be using the Kelantan model for the currency, Zambry said the state would be using a different approach.
"Actually, we were the first to initiate the idea but Kelantan introduced the currency first but it is okay with us because it is a good thing," he said, adding, however, the currency would be subject to Bank Negara requirements. Earlier when disclosing the proposed project to the conference's participants, Zambry said Perak acknowledged that "gold is a good store of value".
He believed that since gold had played the role of money globally for centuries, its value was therefore expected to rise during a crisis.
"By putting some of their savings in gold and silver, the people can protect the value of their savings from depreciating.
"In the current hyper inflationary conditions, this would be truly a positive thing for the people," he said.
Source: Bernama.
Please correct me if I am wrong. Wasn't Bank Negara already make a statement that only ringgit will be Malaysia currency? I am not talking about politic in here but why do you allowed another state to produced a second currency but prevent a state govern by opposition doing the same thing? I don't take anyone side here but I believe gold dinar is a good form of investment. Kelantan has been introducing dinar for a long time, why don't give them a chance to widely used Dinar or at least make a guidelines what kind of Dinar can be used in this country. I personally think Malaysian already aware about Dinar and some of them can accept if it will be a new form of payment@currency in this country.
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