Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2010 (Happy Aidilfitri) to all my Muslim friends and readers. Please forgive me physically and spiritually (Maaf Zahir dan Batin) for any wrong doing and bad thing I am saying to you personally or I said wrongly in your blog. Aidilfitri is not just about celebration after a month of fasting but also a days asking people for forgiveness for sins that we maybe do. In Malaysia, we celebrate each festival together, please put aside any of your political belief and celebrate Eid-Ul-Fitri happily.

To everyone in Malaysia who is looking for new crisp banknote to put in your Hari Raya Ang Pow, I think most of you can only found new one ringgit notes. Most banks will give a reasons that Bank Negara Malaysia don't provide them with new crisp banknote other then RM1 banknotes this year. Crisp banknote normally put in the ang pow envelopes for good luck to the recipient of the ang pow. Even though this is a Chinese belief and tradition but I think every races in Malaysia follow this. Its something good, right?
To all my online social network friends in Facebook, Myspace, Mybloglog, Blogcatalog, Friendster, all my blog friends and all my readers; Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2010, Maaf Zahir Batin (Happy Eidul-fitri, Forgive me physically and spiritually). I am sorry if I had done any mistake in my writing; in my blog or in your blogs comments.