Counterfeit is a crime but they're not so many successful and famous counterfeiters out there. Some of the counterfeit coins have a high value and sought by collectors worldwide. They're also counterfeits item that been offered to public as a genuine because the items itself promise a false high return of investment. Many Non-collectors don't have the knowledge that counterfeit banknotes and coins do exist. They will only realize receiving the fake notes or coins when their bank or friends told them it is fake. At that moment, you maybe already loss a RM50 or RM100 value because you don't bother to learn how to check for counterfeit banknotes. They're many counterfeits stories that I share in this blog but today I want to share, "Top counterfeits stories". I am sharing these stories so everyone can understand how counterfeit work.
Lunaticg Blogspot Top 5 Counterfeits Stories:
5. 1934 $100,000 Dollars scam
A reader asked me via email about a $100,000 US Bond. Asking me if his notes is genuine or fake. He maybe had been reading about the story of the $100,000 US 1934 Gold Certificate in my blog. He said he bought this notes from a collector friend. He also enclosed his $100,000 dollars notes that you can see below. I am 100% sure that this notes is a fake. The 1934 $100,000 Dollars scam has been around since 2006 with many buyer bought it from Philippines and Indonesia. Read More.
4. Counterfeit toonies, do they exist?
Photo by original and fake toonies
A reader asked me how to check for counterfeit or fake toonies? She have some toonies with the center pop out from the coins. Is that fake or original and how to check? For information, many toonies in the first shipment of the coins were defective. It could separate if struck hard or frozen, as the centre piece would shrink more than the outside. This problem was quickly corrected by the Royal Canadian Mint. Toonie popping is a normal thing in a few month of its introduction. Some people are selling this as a mint defect and gaining profit from it. This Month, Canada Finance Minister, Jim Flaherty had announced that Loonie and Toonie would be change to steel in 2011. He didn't mention if the $2 coin will continue to be ringed and bimetal. The changes are definite, only the design have not been announced yet. Read More.
3. Sa-puloh ringgit Watermark Agong
Every month I received at least 20 calls, sms or e-mail asking me if I have Malaysia old sepuluh ringgit banknote with Yang Dipertuan Agong Watermark. I will receive that each time I posted an ads a Sa-puloh ringgit banknote on sale in everyone who contact me will give me the same question, "What is the watermark of your banknote?", "I want sa-puloh watermark agong" etc. Even if my ads already stated the notes watermark is tiger. Read More.
2. £20 German Elvis Banknote
A news about £20 German Elvis Banknote fooled a German bank clerk. Some people might believe, bank notes with Elvis Presley on them are not legal tender. So when one ended up in the banking system in Germany the German Central Bank was not best pleased. This is the £20 Elvis banknote which a counter clerk in a German bank failed to spot when a customer paid money into their account with a pile of multi-denominational notes. Read More.
1. How to make counterfeit 100 dollars
I am looking for a video about how to make counterfeit money in youtube. What I found is a shocking story how easy it is to make a counterfeit 100 US Dollar bill. The video exactly is a NBC TV programs-Vegas Undercover with Chris Hansen. The suspect in this July 2009 video is 39 years old, Bryan "Rusty" King. This video show how easy it is to make a fake currency. This counterfeiting money exactly work because most people don't check their money once they receive it. With a difference watermark, it is easy to spot this fake notes by Rusty but most people will not check for it. The paper is the same as the original notes, only the print have some mistake. Adding up with a high tech inkjet printer that can be easily found nowadays, printing your own fake money is not that hard. Read More.