I had been discussing about scam dealer with some of my friends last week. We discuss about a seller in one of the famous flea market who keep on cheating newbies by luring them for help to sell items, after certain time, he will said they don't have money to pay your item or don't remember if he sell your item or not. They're also dealer who sell you fake or wrong item, if you don't check, you will loose your money. If you knew and argue with them about the fake/wrong item, you might get your money back. They're 1001 way for the dealer to cheat you, most of the time, you will understand what I mean after a few years dealing with dealers. I don't said they're no honest dealer in Malaysia but beware, some of the dealers/sellers is just doing business, they only care about money.
Here are suggestion how to get back your money from scam/fraud dealer:
1. Report your case to MCA Public complaint bureau or make a police report. Before you go and complaint, make sure you talk with him first and told him that you have kept all the proof. If he said that he want to pay monthly, told him that you don't want that. You need him to settle the payment in full because the next month you meet him, he will say that he don't have money to pay you.
2. You can act like you want to buy something from him. Find banknote and coin that you like and make sure you bargain the price until you satisfied with the price offered. When you already got RM1100 items, told him that since he already owed you that amount of money, consider that you hold the banknotes/coins until he pay or any given date. Make sure you bring all the copy of proof that you have and give it to him. You also need to bring someone who can talk back (since he can give you many different reason for you not to take his items away).
3. Bring any old aunty/neighbour/friend who are old and look like a sick old lady. When you meet him, told him that you need that money to bring your grandma to hospital. If that aunty of yours can cry and act a little bit will be the best way. Make sure when you meet him they're many people around.
4. When you already make a police report, contact any news reporter about your problem. The best and easiest way send your email to their forum/complaint section. For example, you can try star your opinion section. Email them at editor@thestar.com.my with all your proof.
5. Another way is to share your problem in all public forum that you can find, like the most popular, Lowyat.net. Most forum has a fraud/scam section. Post all his details in that forum. Make sure you post it in as many forum as you can. When you already done that, try email him with a "fake email, not yours". Told him that you found this link about him in the net.
Asked around before you want to get help from people to sell your item, I can only give advice, the rest is yours to decide.
Feel free to give your suggestion in my Facebook page.