Congratulations to Dickson Niew from for being feature in Kosmo Varia section dated 21 March 2012. You can read more about the news at this link; Syiling 10 sen boleh jadi RM280. The article by Adlan Jaafar focus more on the story about 10 sen 1971 coin that can fetch up to RM280. The story maybe a bit weird or interesting for non-collectors because a coin with a face value of 10 sen worth so much to us collector. The reporter interview Dickson and Lawrenze De Souza, both are Malaysia Numismatic Society (MNS) commitee members and a well known in Malaysia Numismatic. They also had a chance to promote MNS Auction 151 that will be held on 25 March 2012 at Museum Negara (you can go to Dickson blog to read more about it and what items are on auction). Sadly though, they're not enough pictures and Dickson don't promote his blog in the newspaper.

To any newbies who maybe still don't know, Dickson Niew have a shop in Subang. His item price is one of the most affordable in Malaysia and a must visit place for coin collectors. You can read more about his shop and direction on how to go there at my blog post; Dickson Niew Collection Corner but make sure you contact him before you make a visit to his shop.
Dickson Niew Collection shop
Address: 58, Jalan SS14/2, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor.
Tel: +60-179796337 (better called him before you make a visit)
E-mail: dicksonniew33(at)
For the story of the 1971 10 sen coin, they're many version of story come out before but the normal one as what you read on the KOSMO. Low mintage at 32,000 pieces is one of the factor that bring collector searching for the coin. With the story come out in the news, more people will be trying to find it. The price will certainly going up again in the future. They're not much pictures in the story that can help non-collector understand what Mr. Dickson and Mr. Lawrence talk about. Most non-collector will not understand which one is the Ali Abul Hassan signature in the RM1 banknote. From my experience, any RM1 banknote that is not signed by Zeti, non-collector will assume that it is signed by Ali Abul Hassan. Even though you already told them that the RM1 signed look like Aishah. I don't read the actual newspaper, just from KOSMO online, if they're actual pictures about that, please comment and inform me.
Ok, sifu Dickson Niew, congratulations again, many fan want to get your authograph now.