Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blogtalk challenge: Malaysia coin card

This is an invitation to all Malaysia coin blogger, lets talk about Malaysia coin card. I am planning to compile a Must Read Coin Card Posts by all Malaysian coin blogger next week, 3rd May 2012. I invite you to talk about anything that you think worth to mention about Malaysia Coin Card but please, don't just talk about one coin card and copy all the information from the card. If you really want to be a blogger, think like a blogger. You must share what you knew that everyone out there don't realize anything about it. You need to share knowledge that can help people understand more about Malaysia Coin Card. Blogger is like a reporter, you report what reader out there want to read.

Felda Coin Card

You can write it in Malay or English. As long as I can read what you write, I think that will be no problem. If you're not a collector but you want to join in the fun and get "free dofollow backlink" from my blog, I welcome you to join. If you're not a Malaysian blogger (maybe Singaporean Blogger) but you have Malaysia coin card, I am also welcoming you to join the fun. To make it easy to understand, all bloggers in this world are invited to join my "blogtalk: Malaysia coin card", but you must write something that worth to read by readers out there. As a gift from me, you will get a "free dofollow backlink" from a posts that I will create on 3rd May. I am not offering other kind of gift since I knew not many Malaysia coin blogger will be dare enough to accept my challenge. Most of you just post a picture of your item with a little information. Come on.., even my two month old son can do that. Try to change what you share in your blog.

For an example, you can read whycollect blog post; "Don't judge a book by its cover". In that post, he talk about some coin card came with a very low quality. He found out one piece of a Malaysia 2001 Sea Games XXI one ringgit have a lots of bag marks scratch on the coin. I think this kind of post is worth to mention, because not many coin card buyer will check the quality of their coin card before paying and leaving the dealer premises. Some dealer will say the coin card price is still the same but exactly, the price should be cheaper since the quality of the coin already downgrade. For me, all my coincards had been remove from the cards and I put it in airtite, just to make sure no more scratch.