I just read a news at China Daily, someone found kittens in China 100 yuan banknote. The news from Beijing News reported an internet users claim they found the figure of three kittens in the new fifth series of the banknote. They claim two kittens appear opposite each other kneeling down with another in the center gazing with its mouth open. The "worshiping cats" is said to be anti forgery technology use by People's Bank of China. I look at my 100 yuan bill just now and yes, they're 6 kittens on the notes, not just three and I don't need magnifying glass to find it. The pair of 3 kittens can be found near the head of Mao Zedong.

Picture by Beijing News: Kittens in 100 Yuan notes
The Beijing News reported, a leading banknote and coin expert has denied a figure of a group of kittens appears in the new 100 yuan bill after a number of people claimed to have spotted the furry pets hidden in the banknote.
Internet users claim they found the figure of three kittens in the new fifth series of the banknote after close inspection under a magnifying glass. But Yuan Yinlong, a banknote and coin expert in Central China's Henan province, said the figures are just the work of the imagination of Internet users.
"Internet users purposely highlighted the lines to form the animal-like figure," he said.
Yuan also said the design of Chinese currency banknotes adopt advanced anti-forgery technology that is a state secret. The figures in the banknote seem to combine traditional elements and modern cartoon patterns.
Do you have any 100 Yuan banknote? Try check the kittens on the notes of your.
Source: chinadaily.com.cn