Saturday, January 22, 2011

India gold coin supply tender

India via their Government Tenders Portal has been making offer tender for a supply of gold coin to their Department of Posts. The Empanelment tender start from 21 January 2011 and closed on 14 February 2011 with a title of "Supply of Gold Coins on sale or return basis". Sealed tenders are invited on behalf of the President of India from the manufacturer/suppliers of Gold Coins for supplying Gold Coins of the various denominations to Department of Posts for selling gold coins on sale or return basis on commission through specified Post Offices.

Do you know how many Post Offices in India? India Department of Posts under the brand name India Post, with 155,333 post offices, is the most widely distributed post office system in the world. India also the largest consumer of gold in the world, with over 25% of world gold bought by Indian. You can read more about about the Supply of India Gold Coins Tender at their official Government Tender Portal. All manufacturer or suppliers of Gold Coins are invited. The tender is for five years basis.

I wish Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) will try to make their commemorative coin easily available. You can find many new Malaysia Stamp but Commemorative for my part of collection is very hard to get, especially gold. Malaysia already got many gold coin investor. BNM don't have to worried about buyer. As long as the design that their make is up to date and beautiful. In my opinion there will be no problem on selling their stuff. I am still a bit frustrated about the last Bunga Raya commemorative. When I want to go to Bank Negara last time, someone told me that all the gold have been bought by the big fish in coin dealer market, one day before the actual released date of the coin.

Please share what do you think.

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