Monday, February 17, 2014

Secret symbols of the US 1 dollar bill

Today, we will be talking about secret symbols of the US 1 dollar bill. There are many secrets contained in a dollar notes but most of you will never noticed anything about it until you read this post. I try to stay away from writing articles on how US Dollar bill related to Freemason since I am not interested talking about it.

The United States 1 dollar bill ($1) is made from cotton and linen blend, with minute red and blue silk fibers running through it to deter counterfeiters. The first U.S. President, George Washington portrait, painted by Gilbert Stuart, is currently featured on the obverse, while the Great Seal of the United States is featured on the reverse.

The $1 dollar bill nickname, "greenback" derives from the Demand Note Dollars created by Abraham Lincoln in the mid 1880s to finance the Civil War. These notes were printed in black on one side and green on the other.

US 1 dollar bill

Secrets & Mysteries of the US 1 dollar bill:

black seal

1. Big letter in the middle of the black seal
The big letter in the middle of the black seal signifies the Federal Reserve bank that placed the order for the bill.
A = Boston,
B = New York City,
C = Philadelphia,
D = Cleveland,
E = Richmond, Va.,
F = Atlanta,
G = Chicago,
H = St. Louis,
I = Minneapolis,
J = Kansas City,
K = Dallas,
L = San Francisco.

2. Repeated numbers on the obverse
The Number that repeated four times on the obverse of the bill also signifies the Federal Reserve bank that placed the order for the bill. The black number corresponds to the big letter in the middle of the black seal. For example, if you have a bill from San Francisco with the letter L, then the number on the bill will be 12 because L is the twelve letter in the alphabet.

1 = Boston,
2 = New York City,
3 = Philadelphia,
4 = Cleveland,
5 = Richmond, Va.,
6 = Atlanta,
7 = Chicago,
8 = St. Louis,
9 = Minneapolis,
10 = Kansas City,
11 = Dallas,
12 = San Francisco.

The Great Seal
3. Meaning of the Latin words "ANNUIT COEPTIS" & "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM"
The inscription ANNUIT COEPTIS translates as "He (God) has favored our undertakings," and refers to the many instances of Divine Providence during our Government's formation. In addition, the inscription NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM translates as "A new order of the ages," and signifies a new American era.

4. What do MDCCLXXVI mean?
The letters are Roman numerals for 1776, which is the year when the Declaration of Independence was signed, and when the Novus Ordo Seclorum began. M is 1,000, D is 500, CC is 200, L is 50, XX is 20, VI is 6. Add the numerals on the pyramid together and you get the year 1776.

5. The number 13 (corresponding to the 13 colonies)

13 stars
-The dollar has 13 stars above the eagle.

-There are 13 steps on the pyramid.

-There are 13 letters in "ANNUIT COEPTIS".

13 vertical bars on the shield
-There are 13 vertical bars on the shield and on top of the shield has 13 horizontal stripes.

olive branch
-You can count 13 leaves and 13 berries on the olive branch.

13 arrows
-There are 13 arrows on the dollar bill.

6. What does E Pluribus Unum mean?
"Out of many, one." The 13 disparate colonies came together to form one nation.